LMT Side Trail: Noah’s Olives Trail
"A journey back in time..."
LMT Side Trail - Noah’s Olives Trail
Noah’s Olives Trail is a trail from Baatara Gorge to Bchaaleh, the beautiful village of Batroun district.
This stunning hike is a must-do for nature lovers and adventure seekers who are eager to explore Lebanon’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.
The trail starts at the breathtaking Baatara Gorge, a natural wonder that boasts a steep waterfall that in spring, drops an impressive 255 meters into a sinkhole. From there, hikers will follow the ancient trade route Sikket El Chem, which once connected Damascus to the coast of Lebanon. This will lead you to the charming village of Bchaaleh, which is situated between 1200 and 1350 meters above sea level and offers panoramic views of the coastal line from Beirut to Syria.
Once you arrive in Bchaaleh, you’ll have many options to extend your hike and explore the area further. The Bchaaleh Trails network includes seven hiking trails that create a loop around the village, taking you to its most famous attractions. The most important of these is the Olive Route, which leads to the site of the Millennial Olive Trees of Bchaaleh, also known as Noah’s Olive Trees. This is the inspiration behind the theme and name of the trail.
But the adventure doesn’t stop there! Hikers can also take a connecting trail from Bchaaleh to the nearby village of Douma. This route follows an old trade route called Mahkameh and passes through Douma’s historic souks, its olive press, and a footpath that leads to a paved road to reach the stairs of Sikket el Sham, and return back to Bchaaleh.
Noah’s Olive Trail offers an incredible integration of wild, agriculture, and rural scenery that connects natural, geological, historical and archaeological sites. It’s the perfect choice for hikers who are looking for a challenging and rewarding experience that will test both their physical and mental endurance.
This hike is packed full of natural beauty, history, heritage, and culture, all condensed into a few hours. It’s a must-do for anyone who wants to experience the best of Lebanon’s outdoors. So, grab your hiking boots and check Noah’s Olives Trail off your bucket list today!

Option 1
- From Baloue Bataara to Bchaaleh village.
- Duration: 6 hours
- Length: 12 km
- Elevation Gain: +635 m
- Elevation Loss: -920 m
- Max. Altitude: +1,725 m
- Min. Altitude: +1,030 m
Option 2
- Starting and ending Bchaaleh municipality crossing Douma Village
- Duration: 6:30 hours
- Length: 13 km
- Elevation Gain: +780 m
- Elevation Loss: -820 m
- Max. Altitude: +1,410 m
- Min. Altitude: +1,030 m
Challenging. Route with difficult terrain such as sudden changes in gradient (uphill and/or downhill), course along particularly rough and/or slippery, and/or narrow, and/or steep terrain, paved road, dirt road and footpath. Suitable for adults in generally good to very good state of fitness.
All year round although the months of summer can be quite hot and it’s necessary to bring water.
Sign posting
The trail is completely marked and there are signs along the trails.

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